Another talent is rising and that is TikTok artists. When it comes to TikTok  At the time, a name comes immediately you must be heard about Khaby.lame Today we are discussing about Khabane Lame's biography, motivation, and success story

To live in this world, God has gifted everyone with some talent, scientist, doctor, engineer, teacher, whatever profession we choose from these, it is the form of our talent. 

Even artistic like singing dancing painting are the Talent holders also become famous all over the world with their performance, along with the changing times, they are increasing in the form of talent, in this golden era of social media.

khabane lame biography

Now before reading about Khaby lame biography, let me tell you that he is Tiktokar, he has made a name of more than 103 million followers from his Tik Tok video.

Let me tell you that all the Tiktok videos of Khaby lame are based on DIY (do it yourself) videos on making fun of them, in which they make simple things in a complicated way to waste time and money.

Khaby lame would become the most followed tik-toker in all of Italy. Before Khabane lame would teach us all some extremely important life hacks.

Without ever having a single word Khabane lame is taking the entire world by storm thanks to his incredibly popular TikTok profile that has exploded in recent months.

His content is often simplicity itself and he likes to react to some of the craziest life hack tips on the internet which has turned the Senegalese native with Italian citizenship into a global sensation.

Table of content


About khaby lame

          Who is khaby lame

                    Family and Girlfriend

          TikTok journey

                    Khabane video on TikTok

                    TikTok growth

                    Videos idea

          Khaby lame future

                    Khaby plan

                    In other social media

                    Interesting fact

          Khabane lame biography motivation

                    His net worth


About khaby lame | Khabane lame biography

He tells about his own behavior, his attitude to see and understand everything from childhood is different from common people.

This is why when the DIY video came on Tik-Tok it takes a huge market, he felt that what these people want to show by doing this.

This means, that any work which can be done very easily, what is the need to do it by wasting so much time in a crooked way.

One day he was watching the DIY videos in TikTok, when TikTok had to break the nut, one of them using head to break the nut, while on the other hand, wearing something like an electric fan in my hands, started breaking it by rotating on the nut.  


2 in 1 shot✌🏿-Bro I feel sorry for your forehead 🤦🏿‍♂️but It was very easy. -Bro mi dispiace per la tua fronte,ma era così facile ##learnfromkhaby

♬ suono originale - Khabane lame

Khaby lame says I laughed after slamming it because why bother so much for the work that can be done with the help of a nut cutter in a few seconds why should do so much effort.

Don't understand why DIY The trick is to make the work easy or complicated and thus everyone got the impression to make some such TikTok videos which are really silly DIY Proved to have a tremendous head for this, but the innovative idea has doubled its popularity. 

who is Khaby lame | Khaby lame biography

Khabane lame was born on march 9th 2000 in Gorham Una region of the capital city Dakar in the west African country of Senegal.

He arrived in Italy at the age of 1 after his parents immigrated to the northern  Italian industrial town of Chivasso Turin where they took up living at a local social housing complex.

Khaby lame told that generally the public housing is not considered a good place to live in.

However, he had the best time there he never faced any racism while growing up also they supported him in everything like education and other requirements. 

He currently lives in Italy he is told that he follows Islam as his religious belief. He finished his schooling in Chivasso during his school days he was in sports and games.

Khaby lame was a tall child he was 6.1 inches he played a lot of football and basketball he attended junior-level basketball championships.

He told CDs "I own everything to public housing they taught me education and allowed me to cultivate many bonds".

Khabane lame would play football with his friends on the playground and attend high school at Chivasso Dimitrios Cosola. Due to his family background, he did not continue his education.

Birht nameKhabne Lame
Known as Khaby Lame
ProfessionSocial media star
Date of Birth9th March 2000
Birthplacewest Africa, senegal
zodiac signpisces
Height 6 feets 1 inches 
weight 75 kilograsms
Eye colorBlack
hair color Black
active year2020 to present

Family and Girlfriend | khabane lame biography

khabe lame has not shared his family details with anyone till today but who can run from media and social media. 

It is also not possible, just like this something happened with him when he was hanging with his girlfriend some of the media caught him. so what but the next day his social media site was full of question.

Every fan had only one question, who was she. the one who tries to escape from all these things he was caught, then he opens the details of this secret to the fans.

According to the khaby lame his female friend's name was Zaira Nucci and they have been dating him for a long time.

The interesting fact is that when people asked him about his girlfriend where is she from, who are their parents etc Then once again Directly refused to share this detail and did not even tell him how old the friendship is.

But yes by looking at their bonding, one can tell that the friendship is very old because seeing them it is clear that they are made For each other. 

in October 2020 khaby lame announced that he's engaged to Zaira Nucci she's from Seattle  Italy.

khaby lame TIKTOK journey | Khaby lame biogrpahy

He didn't go further in his studies after schooling he started working as a CNC machine operator, which was a minimum wage job and he had financial troubles on top of that he lost his job during the pandemic lockdown of 2020. 

Out of work at 21 years of age well Khaby's dad, begged him to find another job but due to the pandemic well there was little work to be found after the pandemic heat the world and the lockdown worldwide he became jobless.

It was during the lockdown of 2020 looking for something fun to do to keep himself busy Khabane lame turned his attention towards the whole world was shut down as he watched more and more TikTok videos he noticed something illogical video.

After watching many videos he came up with his own brilliant idea of exposing the internet's wildest life hacks and here's a clip of his very first TikTok. 

khaby lame told CDs "in March of last year I opened my profile because I didn't know what to do when locked at home during the lockdown" the rest is history.

Khabane video on tiktok

Many of the TikTok hack videos are supposed to engage the audience and they're not just useful to anyone, he was trying to make fun of such videos he pointless all those hacks with his common sense and sensible solutions.
Khaby silly expressions and his trolling became a hit the audience started noticing these recurring videos when he continuously exposes many famous hack videos.

On March 15th, 2020  Khaban uploaded his very first TikTok, with the handle lame Khaban which has now turned into khaby.lame and in that video he teaches everyone how to properly wash their hands with sanitizer and have fun while doing it.

Ultimately it wasn't an immediate smash success after a year of operating this channel Khaban accumulated around 1 million followers which is pretty damn good.

In fact, that particular early video only received few likes as comparing today, over the course of the year but Khabane would keep plugging away subtly adjusting his formula until he hit less than 12 months. 

TikTok growth | khabane lame biogrpahy

Later on February 7, 2021. which is when he posted the following clip about how to deal with troublesome phone charges.  

His tick-tock account became famous in  no time he started getting millions of views

His number of followers increased, he got viewers from all over the world that's the magic of social media you can sit at home and reach a world audience but the point is everyone loved and agreed with his sense of humor.

People started sending him videos to react to copy nailed each and every video he created today his tick-tock account has grown to become the second-highest followed account in the world after Charli Demilio.

The post will quickly generate over 4.6 million likes and 29 000 comments flash forward to today and that clip is currently sitting at nearly 50 million likes needless to say after that Khabane channel was booming.

By April his account follower was at around 6 million in 3 days later it was 14 million and only a few days after that he was up to 23.8 million followers.

Today followers are more than 100+ million and it just keeps going up and up and up, his popularity online exploded everywhere thanks in large part to a simple formula of creating content without ever saying a word he's like the TikTok charlie Chaplin or Mr bean.

In the majority of his clips, he reacts ironically to internet tutorials that overvalue complicated methods for things that really should be much simple. 

The perfect example of this is one of his most popular videos in which he shows the simplest way to peel a banana.

khabane lame videos idea

So why doesn't he speak it was a pretty clever reason actually is because by not doing so he opens up his content to a worldwide market? 

His reactions and facial expressions are universal and people absolutely love the look of content he gives the camera at the end of nearly each and every video like you can literally see the face through the mask it's it's incredible.

Make no mistake this technique is a large famous that why he's in the top 100  performers on TikTok and one of the most popular influences when it comes to international markets like Brazil and many other countries.

In other words, the entire world can understand khabane lame even if he doesn't speak their language, and view after view his numbers are reflecting this trend while growing more and more each day.

Now once he had grown to a million followers on the TikTok things they started to snowball now as videos they regularly get tens of millions of views and in some cases they get hundreds of millions.

Now with all these eyeballs comes the opportunity to monetize through advertising anything and everything we're talking about collabs and sponsorships now on top of this.

He's also expanded his reach on Instagram, Twitter, Youtube channels, and other social media sites.

future | Khabane lame biography

In terms of his future Khabane lame looking towards branching out onto other platforms like twitch and youtube but for now, he's content with being the king of Italian TikTok even if he knows there's still a lot more work to be done. 

He told CDS "being the first in Italy is nice I aim to grow even more but the real goal is to keep making people laugh as I have always done since the beginning despite the fact that the followers grow by the hour I behave as if I've always had a thousand".

It's a work ethic like that will take Khaban a long way as for the rest of the story of where Khaban lame will go at from here.

khaby plan

Now khaby major goal is to make enough  money to buy his mother a house and from  what I can tell well the kid is well  on his way

Now Khaby he's teamed up with a manager by the name of Riggio  Alessandro who managed Italy's previously most famous social media star I'm talking about Gianluca Vacchi.

Now with management like Riggio and while the world is his oyster and it appears like they already earned talks to have him work with collaborations with his beloved football team Juventus and he's already worked with the legendary soccer player Alessandro del Piero.

Khaby has plans to move to America as soon as possible but there's one small problem, well he isn't even an Italian citizen which makes getting us a visa well a little more problematic. 

Khabane Lame does have plans to meet up and collab with creators like king batch so for that, I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see.

I mean the kid he's practically become a model I used to model back in the day way back and it was like for byway, not even something to brag about.

khaby other social media

Unexpected and this growth happened in the span of just six months by the end of 2020 khaby was doing collaborations brand deals and making good money from tick-tock he has a total of 103+ million followers on TikTok.

So eventually khaby started his own youtube channel on 20th, April 2021  he uploaded a bunch of his TikTok viral videos into the channel his youtube channel is basically just a  database of the same content that he does in his free time. 

TikTok's his main platform that's where khaby became famous and that's what people wait for him. 

khaby has an Instagram page as well where he has 32 million followers, in fact, Instagram is the first social media platform Khaby had ever been on he started his account when he was 15 years old.

He used to upload his personal life images and travel pictures on this instant page now through his Instage he gives a  glimpse of his personal life to his audience. 

He gets millions of views on his Insta posts as well in a recent interview khaby is told that he loves to make people laugh he's passionate about finding and putting out humor.

interesting fact khabane lame biography

He does not have Italian citizenship even though he'd been living in Italy for literally all his life and has been schooled in Italy and has even played for Italian school championships. 

khabane lame still doesn't qualify for an Italian passport this is due to multiple rules and regulations that the country has for outsiders. 

He told that lacking a piece of official paper doesn't make him any less  Italian he also added that not having an Italian passport is making it difficult for him to travel for collabs and shoots.

khabane lame biography motivation

He is a common man who is from a humble background he's genuine young and naive there's no strategy when he started his tick-tock account he didn't do it because he wanted to grow it and make it big or earn money. 

He started his account for fun he just wanted to pass some time with good humor khaby doesn't consider himself a celebrity it's almost like he doesn't realize the celebrity status that people have bestowed on him.  

He's yet to get it being a social media influencer is not an easy job these days the constant judgment and interference into the personal life is something to take care of meticulously.  

That too being exposed to an international audience is no joke khaby seems cool and composed he's not worried much about what's going to happen next.

Even if things go upside down overnight he might still have the same expression that he always has on his videos. That face needs to be in the smiley.

khabane smile

He told that the opportunities and the money that is brought by his fame are surely great however without the passion for doing something nobody can do it for long.  

khaby was telling that he would have continued doing his videos even if this account didn't become this big or famous.

He says that the reason for anyone's success would be passion and consistency being consistent with his effort has definitely helped him get in the minds of people a lot easier.

Honestly, he doesn't even care that much about where his statistic charts are or how many people he's reaching every day.

khabane lame net worth

khaby's been receiving a lot of media opportunities lately which requires quite a lot of air travel as khaby's getting more and more in demand there goes around a lot of discussions about his network.  

It's estimated that he has a total worth of $ 2 million dollars as of now as we know he's a booming media personality these figures can go up and down anytime.  

According to celebs life reel his each post make $13000 to $22500

Overall the future looks good and green for khabane lame.

He's also been posting up beside some expensive whips like standing on one busted-up Benz and then he posted up next to a Mercedes-Benz g-wagon those are life goals.

Now if you think khaby isn't getting TikTok fame well you would be wildly misinformed now the kid has just surpassed 100+ million followers becoming the second most followed creator on the app and that's just under Charlie Demelio.

Social tracker data shows that copy he's gaining millions of new followers each week meaning it won't be long before he takes that top spot so what does a 21-year-old Italian do with millions of followers and millions of dollars well in this video you're gonna find out.


he told that if you want to be a success then you must have passion and dedication His initial earnings came from Tiktok and his sponsor. If you are motivated by Khabane lame biography and khaby.lame success story, you should start your work just. Now he runs various other businesses and makes money.

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